Adorable is an Indonesian Accesories Brand which was establised in the end of 2008. Each of our accessories is made in Bandung, Indonesia in home industry scale. Our accesories we're first launched to the market in march 2009. Since then, from first launching we have been collaborating with few big names in local creative industry scene. We also support some influential musicians, artist and events.
Good evening ... saya ucie dr palembang. saya uda berapa kali sih pesen sepatu sama tas adorable. bagus bgt, adminya jg baik" :). btw saya ada tugas kuliah tentang "industri kreatif", boleh ga saya bahas ttg adorable ya ? mohon bantuannya :) responnya saya tunggu ya di email ya sucieekawatyz@yahoo.co.id plisss hehe makasih :D